Monday, June 26, 2006


The power went out in the house last night, and we were sitting around the kitchen table talking about how Brother 1 was afraid of zombie babies under his bed, when Brother 2 interupted.

Brother 2: Listen to what I'm going to do.

Brother 1: What?

Brother 2: You know those bars that you do chin ups on, that people hang from in the circus? Well, I'm going to get one of those, and hang in from the ceiling in the living room (it's two stories high there). Then, I'm going to dress up like a vampire, and hang upside down from it.

Me: Ok...

Brother 2: And then, when people walk into the living room, I'll spread my wings and attack.

1 comment:

phsymom said...

I agree with Betty, your stories always give me a laugh.